Things to Avoid in Selecting an Executive Job with Dave Kellogg

Buckle your seatbelts for a fast-paced conversation with Dave Kellogg. We reconnected recently and met up up in Chicago at ParkerGale’s “intergalactic headquarters” for a pretty broad-ranging conversation about a recent blog post that Dave wrote (Things to Avoid in Selecting an Executive Job at a Startup) along with a lot of interaction about differences between PE-land and VC-land. Come have a listen -- where else are you going to hear the phrase "Axe Battle of Differentiation"?

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Do you really need continuous delivery to write production software?

More madness with the Mad Scotsman, Alan Williamson and special guest Tom Shore.  We talk about the just how much automation and software tooling do you need to write applications.   The big social media software companies would claim that nothing short of continuous delivery is enough.   But is this really necessary for smaller companies that are delivering enterprise-class applications?

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Predictions for 2019

Devin & Jim talk about the macro and the micro events for 2019 including: the global economy, the U.S. economy, politics, the tech market and the implications for private equity in the new year.

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